Brand new casino on scene: Wild Jackpots

wildjackpotsOn 27.01.2015 Wild Jackpots Casino was launched by the same entity who operates the renowned Microgaming casino GoWild. So you can call Wild Jackpots Casino the little brother of GoWild Casino, or if you prefer the little baby of GoWild, which is a guarantee on its own to providing a quality service to gamblers.
As one would guess, Wild Jackpots also runs on Microgaming. This means you can play 500+ games and on mobile devices as well.

And why is this good for us?

As I said we can spare all worries about a new, green brand and can jump into playing without any reservations. Then a nice 100% up to €200 opening bonus awaits us along with an exclusive €350 new players freeroll on the 27th of every month. In addition if you deposit at least €100 you can participate in the ‘Spin It to Win It Mondays’ promo where you can get 50 free spins on Lucky Witch or Riviera Riches slots. More details on the actual promotions are to be found on the website.

Let’s hope Wild Jackpots Casino will also give away tens of free spins on a weekly basis just like it’s big brother GoWild does.

Visit Wild Jackpots Casino