Famous popTicket Raffle Offers a Trip to Spain

casinopop-logoIf you haven’t had the chance to participate in CasinoPop’s popTicket raffle, you were missing out. Now is the time to start, as the next raffle event takes one lucky winner to magnificent Spain. Each popTicket raffle so far has offered attractive destinations, and the latest location is no exception.

Previous draws took CasinoPop customers to lovely places such as Greece, Gran Canaria, Portugal, Iceland, Paris, Las Vegas and Rome, among others. There were also some interesting items on offer, like the Xbox console and Ray Ban sunglasses. This time, the destination is set to the Iberian Peninsula and the sun-bathed country of fine wine, soccer and flamenco – Spain.

Visit CasinoPop Casino

How do you join? Well, it’s a simple ordeal. First, you need to become a member of CasinoPop by registering an account at the site. Then you need to fund your account and proceed to play any of the popSpin slots at the time. It could be Starburst, or Lights, or some other slot game. The important thing is you can win popTickets by playing. These are like lottery tickets and are automatically added to the next raffle draw, and the next raffle draw is always announced in the Promotions section of CasinoPop. The number of popTickets isn’t limited, and you can check how many of them you’ve won by visiting the Rewards page. Obviously, the more tickets you collect, the better the chances of winning a fabulous trip to the warm European jewel that is Spain.

As usual, if the raffle has enough popTickets in play, there will be a runner-up prize of €80 for consolation. The winner, however, will receive an amount that is equivalent to the travel costs from Stockholm to the destination. The Spain popTicket Raffle is scheduled for 28th of November at 12:00 (CET). Best of luck to all popSpinners!