Evolution Rolling Live Casino Jackpot Challenge at Mr Green

It’s a green summer at Mr Green Casino! There are some unique refreshments coming with the gaming breeze the hatted gentlemen is sending your way – one of them is the July Evolution Rollover Challenge with a total prize pool of €5,000.

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The promotion runs from 00:01 CET on 1st of July until 23:59 CET on 31st of July, 2018. As you can see, the entire month is in play and during that time you need to complete one of the two challenges attached to roulette and blackjack games delivered by the great Evolution Gaming. If you want to scoop a prize, that is. There is only one reward and everyone will be playing for it, the €5,000 prize jackpots. What’s essential for the participants of the Evolution Rolling Live Casino Jackpot Challenge at Mr Green Casino, is speed. One has to be the first to complete the roulette or the blackjack challenge in order to claim the big bucks.

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In the blackjack challenge it is required to get 4 Blackjacks in a row, whereas in the roulette challenge you need to get 4 Straight Up single number bets in a row. According to the terms of the promo published at Mr Green’s promotions page, only the same number hitting roulette 4x consecutive rounds in a row counts towards winning the jackpot (for example 3 Red, 3 Red, 3 Red, 3 Red). As for blackjack, it’s not allowed to bet behind is and only single seat betting is permitted.

If no one succeeds in the July challenges, the promo will continue in August with the same set of rules, but with double the prize! This means if the July’s jackpot goes unclaimed, the one offered at the end of August will be worth €10,000!